Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Posting 3

This posting is all about amazing animals as you would know.In total, I would be talking about five animals which I think are very fascinating and interesting. First of all is the tiger. Its common or specific name is the Siberian or Amur tiger. Tigers are primarily found in the Russian Far East and there are about 5000 tigers left in the wild. A female tiger starts to breed at 3-4 years of age and it gives birth to about 1-4 cubs at a time. The cubs are born blind and helpless but are independent at 18months. However, only 1 cub from each litter will survive to become adults. Adult males are about 9-11 feet long and weigh between 450 and 600 pounds while the adult female are 8-9 feet long and weigh about 250-400 pounds. An adult tiger needs about 10lb of meat a day, but can eat up to 90lb. Her are some examples of what the tiger eats: peacock, Asian hare, crested porcupine and etc.
Next up, the grizzly bear. As the winter approaches, the bears practically eat every hour just to fatten up for the winter that lasts for 4-7months. As it falls into a deep sleep in the den, its heart rate drops down to about 40-8 beats per minute. The mother bear does not even wake up when the cubs are born midwinter. The cub will only be born if the mother succeeded in finding enough food for the embryo to develop. By the time the mother bears wake up the cubs are strong enough to follow the mother out of the den. However, some cubs die of disease or starvation. Predators such as wolves, mountain lions and adult male bears-even a cub's own father. Although there are many threats, the mother is very protective therefore most of them survive.
Followed by the bald eagles which were at the brink of extinction because of hunting and pollution. But the laws created 40years have helped protect them.The females can be up to 3feet long and its wingspan can be about 8feet across which is a little larger than the male. When the eaglets are 4 to 5 years old they develop their white hair and tails. In wild, eagles can live up to 35years or more. Witnessing a bald eagle swooping down to grab a fish is one of the most fascinating sights in nature. Eagles can soar over 10,000 feet high and their great eyesight lets them see fish from a mile away. When they attack, they swoop down at a speed of 161km/h and snags a fish to eat. Bald eagles build their nesta which are called aeries at the top of the trees so that the eggs will be safe.
Then the great white shark. The great white sharks which are born with a dozen siblingsswim away from its mother. They have to be independent from young. The pup will live its live at the top of the food chain once it grpws larger. However some pups do not survive the first year. Young great white sharks eat fish and rays til it grows and eats sea mammals. They count on the element of the of surprise as they hunt. Sharks do not chew their their instead it swallows them whole. After eating a sealion it can lasts for a month or two without a meal. Female usually breed between the age of 12 to 14years old.
Finally the ermine. In summer it becomes chocolate, I mean its coat becomes chocolate brown. In winter it becomes vanilla, I mean its coat becomes vanilla white.(I must be addicted to ice-cream) Although they are nocturnal theyeat porcupines, squirrels and rats.


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