Monday, February 4, 2008

Posting 2

Today, I am going to write a auto biography. I was born on February 29, 1996 a leap year. I started nursery in Faith Methodist Church when I was 4. My years in Faith Methodist Church was very happy. After the few years in nusery I graduated and moved on to P1 in Henry Park. My first year in Henry Park was the most adventurous of all. I had to explore around the school. In P2, I was first in my class and second in the level. I started scouting in P3 and won an award. I really enjoyed my time there I learnt survival skills and many other stuff. I met the best teacher in P4, Miss Kwok. During her birthday we had a party and missed 5 english lesson. In P5, nothing much happen though. Now, P6. By now I have won 3 scout awards ,went on numerous hikes and became one of the 10 leaders. I have already put my mind on PLSEand aiming for Hwa Chong but I stil cannot forget about scouting. My brother has joined scouting and I hope that he will be as successful as me, winning even more awards than me ,going on more hikes and becoming a better leader.

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